Every time I see Shary Boyle's work I'm reminded altogether too vividly of other people's work. I think that this is probably not to her credit. For what that's worth.
Posted by: TheDiscourse on November 10, 2004 01:33 PM .i think she's got good taste, and her technical ability is huge. mainly though, i like her willingness to emote directly, 'cuz it's not something i'm accustomed to seeing in art i might otherwise describe as "surreal". (she probably hates that word.) but i'm no critic. i just like the girl. plus, i don't live in the same city as her, so she seems exotic to me rather than just another flavor-of-the-week success story expressly conceived to espouse my ire or casual dismissal (with the overexposure and what-will-you.)
Posted by: albeetross on November 10, 2004 09:35 PM .