May 10, 2003
Good Kids

John Wilson makes good sense here.

Could it be I'll have grandkids at ease in the orgies of their grade 9 year? Who banter on about sexual techniques over dinner with their family, and laugh out loud when I haul out the details of what passed for "sex ed" circa 1985?

Even just reading something like this, while it's not new information - and it's a bit jargony and long - it's so well organized, and so chalk full of ideas, I can't help think it'd be accessible at a highschool level. And because I construe Harrington and Wilson both to be talking, basically, about goodness - sexual goodness - but also just about what it means to be understanding and good, I see no harm in having this sort of dialogue with kids.

So, 1) role-playing sex games, 2) a class about what it means to be good, and also, 3) I don't think people should have to stand for the national anthem if they don't want to.

Get all that into the curriculum and ka-boom! No more bullying, the problem's been solved!

Posted by ÿ at May 10, 2003 06:28 PM


Posted by: ÿ on May 12, 2003 12:09 AM .

Anybody who doesn't cut his speed at the sight of a police car is
probably parked.

Posted by: Party Poker on November 4, 2004 01:37 AM .
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