March 06, 2003
Prison Yoga

A few years ago, a google search for "prison yoga" yielded countless articles about heartless Wardens who wouldn't allow this silly spiritual stuff into their "correctional facilities".

Thankfully, those articles are gone now, replaced by pages about hope and flakiness.

Which either means we're progressing, or under-reporting a serious social-issue.

Were I running things, I would make yoga/meditation sessions mandatory for all inmates, and would fire on-the-spot any Warden who resisted by offering up the defeatist "they're supposed to be suffering" logic, (even if it's logic I can find no evidence of at the moment.)

Seriously though.

Posted by ÿ at March 06, 2003 04:20 PM

? Who are you? What is your connection? I'm trying to do deep research against a potential TV series - help?

Posted by: la on July 9, 2004 09:43 PM .


Posted by: Party Poker on November 4, 2004 08:57 AM .
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