Abril 25, 2004

I got a book full of photos by this guy. I think he is the greatest photographer. The monkey in the backseat of the car with the airbrushed t-shirt looking at pornography next to the Pac-man stuffed toy stands as my favourite artistic achievement of the last half-century.

Posted by at Abril 25, 2004 10:28 AM

Come on Discourse, there's no need to bullshit us just for effect. Your favorite artistic achievement of the last half-century?

Posted by: king on Abril 29, 2004 03:19 PM .

Whatever guy, I was totally floored when I first saw that picture. It's all sorts of hilarious incongruity and brilliance. What's more succinct? More poignant? What's more immediate than a monkey with an airbrushed tee-shirt looking at pornography next to a pac-man stuffed animal in the back seat of a car? I can't think of anything. Proust? Too long and ambling; that frog queen takes 3000 pages to communicate what Zip! does in a split second. Guernica? You snooze and you lose Picasso, fucking asshole; Zip! has all the subtleties and boldness of your image without all the bullshit catholic guilt and figurative dithering. Stravinksy? Miles Davis? Bruce Springsteen? Ease up guys; all your shit could use some of the whimsy and elation that Zip! brings it with.

Zip! trumps a Bolshoi pirouette, an Escoffier cassoulet, and a Maria Callas aria without flinching. It's a timeless image that challenges the spectator but also facilitates catharsis, ecstasy, pathos and any number of other things.

What the fuck have you got King?

Posted by: TheDiscourse on Abril 29, 2004 10:46 PM .
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