Sorry d.
You've been a gracious host, and I have provided very little in the way of interest of late. I know my graphic is still too big too. I've been neglecting the blog again. I know it's not hard to write something on a regular basis. And it's always more fun that way.
I don't have any excuses. There's even lots of stuff I want to write about.
Maybe I'm just saving up.
Anyhow, thanks for the hosting and shit. It feels good to be on your site.
Best Regards,
Posted by King at Agosto 07, 2003 10:33 PMyeah, I heard that Kinger has got that potential thing inside of him. Perhaps just a mild explosion under that ass of his will combust into something unique. Go Ace Go
Posted by: Monster on Septiembre 6, 2003 10:01 PM .pull your finger out and write something dumbass!
Posted by: katypoo on Septiembre 10, 2003 10:23 AM .